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COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The content of this website, including text and images, is the property of The Nietzsche Channel. Reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited. Nietzsche's Letters Letters and Notes of Insanity 1889.1 1. There is zero evidence that Nietzsche embraced a horse in Turin in January 1889. Turin, presumably January 1, 1889: Letter to Jean Bourdeau1Dear sir, N 1. Jean Bourdeau (1848-1928): French writer and student of Gabriel Monod (1844-1912) who was recommended to Nietzsche by the French historian and critic, Hippolyte Taine (1828-1893). Bourdeau contributed twenty articles to the Revue des deux mondes, seven from 1881 to 1889. He was also a contributor to the Journal des Débats since 1877. Some Nietzsche scholars have noted that Nietzsche's "promotion" of Bourdeau to "editor-in-chief" was a sign of his impending madness. However, the point is vitiated by failing to mention that Hippolyte Taine himself, in his Paris, 12-14-1888 letter to Nietzsche in Turin, mistakenly identified Bourdeau as an editor of both journals: "J. Bourdeau, rédacteur du Journal des Débats et de la Revue des Deux-Mondes." Due to his mental collapse, Nietzsche never received Bourdeau's 01-04-1889 letter in which he sets the record straight: "Je ne suis pas, comme vous le supposez, rédacteur en chef du Journal des Débats, mais simple collaborateur intermittent, des Débats et de la Revue des deux mondes, pour les œuvres étrangères." (I am not, as you assume, editor-in-chief of the Journal des Débats, but only [an] occasional contributor on foreign works to the Débats and the Revue des deux mondes.) Turin, around January 1, 1889: Lost Proclamation to Jean Bourdeau11. Nietzsche's so-called "proclamation" which is also mentioned in his Turin, 12-30-1888 letter to Heinrich Köselitz in Berlin is lost. Jean Bourdeau said that he lost it in a move between residences, along with another note (see below) written in Italian (in which Nietzsche claimed he was Christ personified). See in particular Nietzsche's Turin, 12-26-1888: letter to Franz Overbeck in Basel. "Ich selber arbeite eben an einem Promemoria für die europäischen Höfe zum Zwecke einer antideutschen Liga. Ich will das 'Reich' in ein eisernes Hemd einschnüren und zu einem Verzweiflungs-Krieg provociren. Ich habe nicht eher die Hände frei, bevor ich nicht den jungen Kaiser, sammt Zubehör in den Händen habe." (I myself am currently working on a pro memoria for the courts of Europe for the purpose of an anti-German league. I want to bind the "Reich" in an iron shirt and provoke a war of desperation. My hands will not be free until I have the young Kaiser, and all his appurtenances, in my hands.) For possible material for his "proclamation," cf. Nachlass, Dezember 1888-Anfang Januar 1889 25[1-21] (From Nietzsche's Notebooks, December 1888-Early January 1889 25[1-21]). Turin, around January 1, 1889: Lost Note to Jean Bourdeau11. According to Henri Lichtenberger in a Paris, 12-31-1888 letter to Elizabeth Förster-Nietzsche in Weimar (GSA 72/BW 3198): "Puis dans les premiers jours de 1889, Bourdeau recevait de votre frère coup sur coup deux lettres: la première était une proclamation aux Hohenzollern que Nietzsche demandait da faire insérer aux Débats; la seconde était en italien et ne contenait que qq. mots: 'Je suis le Christ, le Christ lui-mème, le Christ crucifié.'" (Then in the early days of 1889, Bourdeau received from your brother in quick succession two letters: the first was a proclamation to the Hohenzollern that Nietzsche asked to insert into the Débats and the second was in Italian and contained only a few words: 'I am the Christ, Christ himself, the crucified Christ.") Cf. J. Bourdeau, "Friedrich Nietzsche: la religion de la force." In: Les maîtres de la pensée contemporaine: Stendhal —Taine — Renan — Herbert Spencer — Nietzsche — Tolstoï — Ruskin — Victor Hugo. Paris: F. Alcan, 1904, 108-146 (137-138); 6th ed. 1910, 108-146 (137-138). "Nous nous trouvions en correspondance avec Nietzsche, au moment même où le mal vint fondre sur lui. / Nous fûmes fort étonné de recevoir, un matin, une proclamation aux Hohenzollern, qu'il nous priait de faire insérer dans le Journal des Débats. Le lendemain, seconde lettre, où il nous confiait qu'il était le Christ en personne, le Christ crucifié. Nous rappelons ce souvenir personnel parce qu'il est intéressant de constater quelle forme singulière prenait chez Nietzsche le délire des persécutions et des grandeurs. Le malheureux s'incarnait lui-même non en son Zoroastre, mais en ce Christ sur le Golgotha, en ce Dieu des esclaves, contre lequel il avait lance l'anathème. Peut-être n'était-ce là qu'un retour à de premières croyances: Nietzsche, l'immoraliste était fils d'un pasteur." I maestri del pensiero contemporaneo, traduzione autorizzata di Tommasini-Mattiucci, Città di Castello, S. Lapi, 1908, pp. 131-2: "Io ero in corrispondenza col Nietzsche, quando il male lo prese. Fui colto da grande meraviglia, una mattina, ricevendo da lui un proclama agli Hohenzollern, che mi pregava di far inserire nel 'Journal des Débats .' L'indomani ricevo una seconda lettera, nella quale mi confidava di essere Cristo in persona, Cristo crocefisso. Ricordo questo fatto personale, perché non è privo di interesse constatare qual singolare forma prendesse in Nietzsche il delirio di persecuzione e di grandezza. L'infelice si incarnava non nel suo Zarathustra, ma in Cristo sul Golgota, in quel Dio degli schiavi, contro il quale aveva lanciato l'anatema. Forse era un inconscio ritorno alle primitive credenze: Nietzsche, l'amorale, era figlio di un pastore protestante." (I was corresponding with Nietzsche when the illness befell him. I was greatly astonished one morning when he sent me a proclamation to the Hohenzollerns, which he asked me to insert in the "Journal des Débats." The next day I received a second letter, in which he confided that he was Christ himself, Christ crucified. I recall this personal fact, because it is not without interest to note what singular form the delirium of persecution and grandeur took in Nietzsche. The unfortunate man was incarnated not in his Zarathustra, but in Christ on Golgotha, in that God of slaves, against whom he had launched the anathema. Perhaps it was an unconscious return to primitive beliefs: Nietzsche, the amoral one, was the son of a Protestant pastor.) Cf. Sandro Barbera, "Un biglietto smarrito di Friedrich Nietzsche a Jean Bourdeau, gennaio 1889." In: Belfagor, Vol. 54, No. 1 (January 1999), 74-78. Turin, January 1, 1889: Dedication (Draft) of Dionysus-Dithyrambs to Catulle Mendès1
Turin on January 1, 1889 1. This note was first published in Friedrich Nietzsche, Erich F. Podach (Hrsg.), Friedrich Nietzsches Werke des Zusammenbruchs. Heidelberg: W. Rothe, 1961, Abb. XXII, [S. 451]. Turin, ca. January 1, 1889: Dedication (Draft) of Dionysus-Dithyrambs to Catulle MendèsInasmuch as I want to do mankind a boundless
Turin, ca. January 1, 1889: Dedication of Dionysus-Dithyrambs to Catulle MendèsInasmuch as I want to do mankind a boundless favor, I give them my dithyrambs. I place them in the hands of the poet of Isoline, the first and greatest satyr alive today — and not only today ...
Turin, Early January, 1889: Letter to August StrindbergHerr Strindberg Eheu?1 ... not divorced after all? ...
1. Latin interjection meaning, "alas." Turin, January 3, 1889: Letter to Meta von Salis-MarschlinsFräulein von Salis God is on the earth. Don't you see how all the heavens are rejoicing? I have just seized possession of my kingdom, I've thrown the Pope1 in prison, and I'm having Wilhelm,2 Bismarck,3 and Stöcker4 shot.
1. Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903; r. 1878-1903). Turin, January 3, 1889: Letter to Cosima WagnerThey tell me that in the past few days a certain divine buffoon1 has finished the Dionysus-Dithyrambs ... 1. göttlicher Hanswurst (divine buffoon). Cf. Turin, 10-18-1888: Letter to Malwida von Meysenbug in Rome. "Daß dieser Hanswurst es verstanden hat, von sich den Glauben zu erwecken (— wie Sie es mit verehrungswürdiger Unschuld ausdrücken), der 'letzte Ausdruck der schöpferischen Natur,' gleichsam ihr 'Schlußwort' zu sein, dazu bedarf es in der That des Genie's, aber eines Genie's der Lüge ... Ich selber habe die Ehre, etwas Umgekehrtes zu sein — ein Genie der Wahrheit — —[.]" (That this buffoon has managed to arouse the belief in himself (— as you express it with admirable innocence) the "ultimate expression of creative nature," to be, as it were, its "final word," this indeed requires genius, but a genius of lies ... I myself have the honor of being just the opposite — a genius of truth — —[.]) Versailles, ca. mid-Oct. 1888: Fragment of a letter from Malwida von Meysenbug to Nietzsche in Turin: "Der Ausdruck: 'Hanswurst' für W[agner] und [Franz] Liszt ist ganz abscheulich." (The term "buffoon" for W[agner] and [Franz] Liszt is quite abominable.) Cf. Der Fall Wagner (The Case of Wagner), Epilogue. Turin, January 3, 1889: Letter to Cosima WagnerTo Princess Ariadne,1 My Beloved. It is a mere prejudice that I am a human being. Yet I have often enough dwelled among human beings and I know the things human beings experience, from the lowest to the highest. Among the Hindus I was Buddha, in Greece Dionysus — Alexander and Caesar were incarnations of me, as well as the poet of Shakespeare, Lord Bacon.2 Most recently I was Voltaire and Napoleon, perhaps also Richard Wagner ... However, I now come as Dionysus victorious, who will prepare a great festival on Earth ... Not as though I had much time ... The heavens rejoice to see me here ... I also hung on the cross ... 1. Allusion to the Greek legend of Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos of Crete, and her lover Theseus, the Athenian hero, whom she guided out of the Labyrinth with a ball of yarn. Theseus abandoned Ariadne on the Isle of Naxos, and Ariadne then married Dionysus. Turin, January 3, 1889: Letter to Cosima Wagner
1. Jesus proclaimed the Good News of the kingdom of God. Turin, ca. January 3, 1889: Letter to Cosima WagnerAriadne,1 I love you!
1. Allusion to the Greek legend of Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos of Crete, and her lover Theseus, the Athenian hero, whom she guided out of the Labyrinth with a ball of yarn. Theseus abandoned Ariadne on the Isle of Naxos, and Ariadne then married Dionysus. Turin, January 4, 1889: Letter to Georg BrandesTo my dear friend Georg! After you discovered me, it was no great feat to find me. The problem now is how to lose me ...
Turin, January 4, 1889: Letter to Hans von BülowHerrn Hanns von Bülow .. Considering that you started out as and have been the first Hanseat,1 I, in all modesty, merely the third Veuve-Cliquot of Ariadne,2 I may not have already ruined the match for you: rather I condemn you to the "Lion of Venice"3 — who may devour you ...
Hans von Bülow moved to Hamburg in 1886. Turin, January 4, 1889: Letter to Jacob BurckhardtMy highly honored Jacob Burckhardt That was the little joke on whose behalf I bear the tedium of having created a world. Now you are — thou art — our great greatest teacher: I, together with Ariadne,1 need only be the golden mean in all things, having in every respect such superiors ...
1. An allusion to Cosima Wagner, who left Hans von Bülow for Richard Wagner, with Nietzsche, in his delusional state, seeing himself as next in line for her affections. Cf. the Greek legend of Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos of Crete, and her lover Theseus, the Athenian hero, whom she guided out of the Labyrinth with a ball of yarn. Theseus abandoned Ariadne on the Isle of Naxos, and Ariadne then married Dionysus. Turin, January 4, 1889: Letter to Paul DeussenAfter you have irrevocably risen to the position that I have really created the world, it appears that friend Paul will also be provided for in the world plan: he shall be, together with Monsieur Catulle Mendès, one of my greatest satyrs and festival animals.
Turin, January 4, 1889: Letter to Heinrich Köselitz (Peter Gast)To my maestro Pietro Sing me a new song: the world is transfigured and all the heavens are joyous.
Turin, ca. January 4, 1889: Letter to Umberto I, King of ItalyTo my beloved son Umberto1 My peace be with you! Tuesday I shall be in Rome. I should like to see you, along with His Holiness the Pope.2
1. Umberto I, King of Italy (1844-1900; r. 1878-1900). Turin, ca. January 4, 1889: Letter to Cardinal Mariani, Vatican Secretary of StateMy beloved son Mariani1 .. My peace be with you! Tuesday I shall be in Rome, in order to pay my respects to His Holiness ...
1. Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro (1843-1913) was an Italian Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church and Vatican State Secretary from 1887-1903 under Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903; r. 1878-1903). Turin, Early January, 1889: Letter to the House of BadenThe House of Baden Children, it is not good for you to get involved with the crazy Hohenzollern,1 although you, through Stéphanie,2 are of my race ... Withdraw yourselves modestly return to private life, I give Bavaria the same advice ...
1. The rulers of imperial Germany. Turin, ca. January 4, 1889: Letter to Malwida von MeysenbugAddendum to the "Memoirs of an Idealist."1 Although Malvida is known as Kundry,2 who laughed at a moment when the world shook, she is forgiven a lot because she loved me a lot: see the first volume of "Memoirs" ... I revere all those select souls around Malvida in Natalie her father lives and whom I was too.3
1. Malwida von Meysenbug (1816-1903), Memoiren einer Idealistin. Bd. 1-3. Stuttgart: Auerbach, 1876. Turin, ca. January 4, 1889: Letter to Franz and Ida Overbeck1To friend Overbeck and wife. Although you have so far demonstrated little faith in my ability to pay,2 I yet hope to demonstrate that I am somebody who pays his debts — for example, to you ... I am just having all anti-Semites shot ...
1. View original at Universitätsbibliothek Basel, Nachlass Franz Overbeck, NL 53 : B III 1, 226. Turin, ca. January 4, 1889: Letter to the Illustrious Pole1To the Illustrious Pole I belong to you, I am more a Pole than I am God, I shall bestow honors on you such as only I am able to bestow ... I live among you as Matejko2 ...
1. This note was first published in Friedrich Nietzsche, Erich F. Podach (Hrsg.), Friedrich Nietzsches Werke des Zusammenbruchs. Heidelberg: W. Rothe, 1961, Abb. XVII, [S. 447]. Turin, January 4, 1889: Letter to Erwin Rohde1To my growly bear Erwin At the risk of enraging you once again by my blindness as regards Monsieur Taine,2 who formerly composed the Vedas, I hereby deign to transpose you to the gods, with the most beloved of goddesses at your side ...
1. The gap in the middle was probably caused when the note was slit open. See Hedwig Däuble, "Friedrich Nietzsche und Erwin Rohde. Mit bisher ungedruckten Briefen." In: Nietzsche-Studien. Bd. 5. Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, 1976, 321-354 (352h-352i). Turin, January 4, 1889: Fragment of a Note to Carl Spitteler[+ + +] belongs to my godliness: I will have the honor of taking revenge on myself for that ..
Turin, ca. January 4, 1889: Letter to Heinrich WienerHerrn Supreme Court Justice Dr. Wiener Although you have done me the honor to find the "Case of Wagner" fatal for Wagner, said Wagner still dares to bring to light his décadence through a world-historical irresponsibility — in lucent aeternam [eternal light] ...
[Postmark: Turin, January 5, 1889] January 6, 1889: Letter to Jacob Burckhardt1Dear Herr Professor, When it comes right down to it I'd much rather have been a Basel professor than God; but I didn't dare be selfish enough to forgo the creation of the world. You see, one must make sacrifices, no matter how and where one lives. — But I did secure a small room, fit for a student, opposite the Palazzo Carignano (— in which I was born as Victor Emmanuel), from whose desk I am able to hear that splendid music coming from below me, in the Galleria Subalpina. I pay 25 frs. including service, make my own tea and do all my own shopping, suffer from torn [PAGE 2] boots, and constantly thank heaven for the old world, whose inhabitants were not simple and quiet enough. — Since I am doomed to entertain the next eternity with bad jokes, I am busy writing, which leaves nothing to be desired, is very nice and not at all taxing. The post office is five steps away, I take the letters in myself, handling the great feuilletoniste of the grande monde. Naturally I am on terms with Figaro, and so that you will have an idea of how harmless I can be, here are my first two bad jokes: Do not take the case of Prado too seriously. I am Prado, I'm also Prado's father, and I venture to say I'm Lesseps2 [PAGE 3] too ... I wanted to give my Parisians, whom I love, a new concept — that of a decent criminal. I'm Chambige too — also a decent criminal.3 Second joke. I salute the Immortals. Monsieur Daudet belongs to the quarante.4
What is unpleasant and a strain on my modesty is that in fact I am every historical personage; and as for the children I have brought into the world, I ponder with some misgiving the possibility that not everyone who enters the "kingdom of God" also comes from God. This fall, blinded as little as possible, I twice witnessed my funeral, the first time as Count Robilant (— no, he's my son, insofar as I'm Carlo Alberto, unfaithful to my nature),5 but [PAGE 4] I was Antonelli6 myself. Dear Professor, you really ought to see this edifice; since I am quite inexperienced in the things I'm creating, you have a right to make any criticism, I will be grateful, but can't promise that I'll profit from it. We artists are incorrigible. — Today I looked at an operetta — ingeniously Moorish — and took the occasion to ascertain, with joy, that now both Moscow and Rome are grandiose affairs. You see, my talent for landscape is undeniable as well. — Think it over; we'll have a really fine chat, Turin isn't far, no serious professional obligations tie us down, a glass of Veltliner could easily be procured. Négligé of dress is de rigeur.
[Four marginal postscripts:] [Marginalia PAGE 4] Tomorrow my son Umberto8 is coming here with lovely Margherita,9 but I'll receive her as well only in shirtsleeves. The re [Marginalia PAGE 1] You may make any use of this letter which will not lower me in the esteem of the people of Basel. — [Marginalia PAGE 2] 1. For the original 4-page letter, see Universitätsbibliothek Basel, Nachlass Jacob Burckhard, NL 13 : 18. Arnold Genthe, As I Remember. In: Friedrich Nietzsche in Words and Pictures. Part 5. Illness: 1889-96. Preview.
"What Was the Cause of Nietzsche's Dementia?" Summary: Many scholars have argued that Nietzsche's dementia was caused by syphilis. A careful review of the evidence suggests that this consensus is probably incorrect. The syphilis hypothesis is not compatible with most of the evidence available. Other hypotheses—such as slowly growing right-sided retro-orbital meningioma—provide a more plausible fit to the evidence. "The madness of Dionysus: a neurological perspective on Friedrich Nietzsche." Summary: A close examination of Nietzsche’s symptomatic progression and neurological signs reveals a clinical course consistent with a large, slow growing, right-sided cranial base lesion, such as a medial sphenoid wing meningioma. Aspects of his presentation seem to directly contradict the diagnosis of syphilis, which has been the standard explanation of Nietzsche’s madness. The meningioma hypothesis is difficult, though not impossible, to prove; imaging studies of Nietzsche’s remains could reveal the bony sequelae of such a lesion. "The neurological illness of Friedrich Nietzsche." Summary: Friedrich Nietzsche's disease consisted of migraine, psychiatric disturbances, cognitive decline with dementia, and stroke. Despite the prevalent opinion that neurosyphilis caused Nietzsche’s illness, there is lack of evidence to support this diagnosis. More content in German. |
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